Sunday, March 6, 2022

Concentration Music

During my teenage years, I thought becoming a music nerd would be a cool thing, so I decided to do what I thought music nerds did: listen to a lot of music and keep track of what I really liked. This has carried over into my flashcard habit in many ways, and one of those is that I almost always listen to music while reviewing flashcards. Typically I listen to ambient, drone, or lo-fi music that doesn’t call much attention to itself. There are a number of artists that I really enjoy listening to while doing SuperMemo, here are a few of them:

Eluvium (Every album is very beautiful, some albums are more ambient, some are more melodic)

Stars of The Lid (Their ENTIRE discography is legendary in the world of drone music. If drone music were a video game, Stars of the Lid would be one of the final bosses)

Brian McBride (Side project of one of the guys behind Stars of the Lid)

The Dead Texan (Another side project by the other guy behind Stars of the Lid)

Tycho (Really good chill out music)

Loscil (Firmly in the camp drone music)

Colleen (Her ambient music reminds me of a story book)

Jonsi and Alex (Side project of Jonsi, the singer for Sigur Ros)

Susumu Yokota

Akira Kosemura (Nice piano music, BIG discography)



Yuki Murata (Beautiful piano music)

Home (Chill wave artist, responsible for the track “Resonance”, a wonderful song)

The Caretaker (Nostalgic and haunting, inspired by the music featured in a short ballroom scene from “The Shining”)

RPG soundtracks also work very well. Many of my flashcards have been done while listening to Skyrim exploration music.

Also of note is the YouTube Lo Fi Study music stream, sometimes I pop in there if I get up extra early (like 4:00am). It makes me feel like I’m in a special “early people only club”.

The single song that I have listened to the most (More than 400 times) is called “Midnight Souls Still Remain” by M83. It is a single track that drones on for 11 minutes. When I really need to “get in the zone” I love to listen to this track on repeat.


  1. Do you play music in the background for cards that cointain audio as well? As your forté is language learning, I am assuming you have plenty of audio. Do you have a jukebox SM collection? (to schedule listening as Woz does)

    1. I have many many many little "ringtones" that appear in cards, but they all appear after the answer appears (to prevent cheating on guessing answers). As of now I don't have any super organized purpose for them, although I have plans to use them in conjunction with mnemonics I haven't actually implemented it yet. I might not ever actually do it, honestly I like having each card end up being a little "nostalgia grab bag," a micro mix tape of a picture, maybe a personal photo I took and a song that I like. It takes some time collectively to create each individual element, but for Superman by Goldfinger to just pop up out of nowhere after I review some card about World War 2, that's a good feeling.
